如何在在Windows 10上安装OpenJPEG

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在Windows 10上安装OpenJPEG

OpenJPEG是用C编写的开源JPEG 2000编解码器。没有GUI。使用命令行友好的操作系统(如Linux)可以轻松运行和维护此命令行工具,因此,我建议利用W10的Windows Subsystem for Linux功能在Windows 10计算机上安装Linux 。

以下是从源代码编译OpenJPEG,ImageMagic k和GrokImageCompression的说明。



sudo apt install libopenjp2-7 libopenjp2-tools


原始JPEG 2000标准仅包含三个颜色编码声明:sGray,sYCC和sRGB。随着色彩管理的普及,图像中嵌入了多种颜色编码显示配置文件,对该标准进行了修订(15444-1annexi.pdf),以适应受限的ICC配置文件的使用。



1.安装Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

从Windows App Store下载 Ubuntu


  • 通过运行以下命令来更新安装: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • 安装一些其他软件模块:sudo apt-get install pkg-config emacs-nox python3-jpylyzer libltdl-dev libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff-tools exiftool git git-lfs cmake liblcms2-dev libtiff-dev libpng-dev libz-dev unzip libzstd-dev libwebp-dev build-essential g++


  • mkdir ~/install
  • cd ~/install
  • 下载源代码: wget https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/archive/master.zip


  • unzip master.zip
  • cd openjpeg-master/
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • make
  • sudo make install
  • sudo make clean



  • cd ~/install
  • rm master.zip
  • wget https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/archive/master.zip
  • unzip master.zip
  • cd ImageMagick-master

确保系统看到由刚创建的libopenjp2.pc文件config。要查找libopenjp2.pc文件:find ~ -type f | grep libopenjp2.pc

  • sudo pkg-config PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/install/openjpeg-master/build
  • ./configure --enable-shared
  • sudo make
  • sudo make install
  • sudo make clean



  • cd ~/install
  • rm master.zip
  • wget https://github.com/GrokImageCompression/grok/archive/master.zip
  • unzip master.zip
  • cd grok-master
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  • make
  • sudo make install
  • sudo make clean


  • mkdir ~/images
  • cd ~/images
  • wget https://github.com/harvard-library-imaging-services/images/raw/master/in.tif



  • convert in.tif out_via_imagemagick.jp2 | exiftool out_via_imagemagick.jp2 | less


  • opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42


  • grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42


  • jpylyzer *.jp2 | grep '<isValid format="jp2">True</isValid>'


  • 命令:opj_compressgrk_compress
  • 开关:
    • -i <inputFile.ext>
    • -p RLCP (进度顺序)
    • -t 1024,1024 (大小)
    • -EPH (数据包标题标记的结尾)
    • -SOP (数据包开始)
    • -ImgDir <image dir>(不能与-i开关一起使用)
    • -OutFor <ext> (输出文件的扩展名)
    • -o <outputFile.ext>
    • -I (指定有损编码)
    • -q <quality in dB>,<quality in dB>,...
    • -r <compression ratio>,<compression ratio>,...


opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossless.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2

grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossless.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2


  • opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42
  • opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossy_r10.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -r 10

  • grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42
  • grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossy_r10.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -r 10


  • opj_decompress -i infile.j2k -o outfile.png
  • opj_decompress -ImgDir images/ -OutFor tif

  • grk_decompress -i infile.j2k -o outfile.png
  • grk_decompress -ImgDir images/ -OutFor tif


Installing OpenJPEG on Windows 10

OpenJPEG is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C. There is no GUI. This command-line tool is easy to run and maintain using a command-line friendly OS like Linux, so I recommend installing Linux on your Windows 10 machine, taking advantage of W10’s Windows Subsystem for Linux feature.

Below are instructions for compiling OpenJPEGImageMagick, and GrokImageCompression from source code.

While it is easier to install OpenJPEG and ImageMagick via pre-compiled versions using apt, I’ve had issues with prior installations that I resolved by compiling the source code, so that is what I recommend. Note that you do not need to install ImageMagick at all, but it is a very useful utility.

If you’d like to try installing OpenJPEG via the precompiled version first, the following command should do the trick:

sudo apt install libopenjp2-7 libopenjp2-tools

Why install GrokImageCompression?

The original JPEG 2000 standard only accommodated three color encoding declarations: sGray, sYCC, and sRGB. As color management gained popularity, and a wider variety of color encoding display profiles were being embedded in images, the standard was amended (15444-1annexi.pdf) so accommodate the use of restricted ICC profiles .

As of the openjp2 library v2.3.1., OpenJPEG does not carry over the display profiles embedded within the source image, but instead converts the image colorspace to sRGB on output.

GrokImageCompression is an open-source JP2 encoder based on the OpenJPEG code that successfully generates JP2 images encoded with the same colorspace (and ICC display profile) found in the source image.

1. Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

From the Windows App Store, download Ubuntu.

Follow Microsoft’s installation instructions.

  • Update the installation by running the following command: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • Install some additional software modules: sudo apt-get install pkg-config emacs-nox python3-jpylyzer libltdl-dev libopenjp2-7-dev libtiff-tools exiftool git git-lfs cmake liblcms2-dev libtiff-dev libpng-dev libz-dev unzip libzstd-dev libwebp-dev build-essential g++.

2. Install OpenJPEG by compiling the source code:

  • mkdir ~/install
  • cd ~/install
  • Download the source code: wget https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/archive/master.zip

Follow the installation instructions, per OpenJPEG installation.

  • unzip master.zip
  • cd openjpeg-master/
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  • make
  • sudo make install
  • sudo make clean

3. Install imagemagick from source code:

Follow the ImageMagick installation instructions

  • cd ~/install
  • rm master.zip
  • wget https://github.com/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/archive/master.zip
  • unzip master.zip
  • cd ImageMagick-master

Make sure system sees the libopenjp2.pc file just created by config. To look for the libopenjp2.pc files: find ~ -type f | grep libopenjp2.pc

  • sudo pkg-config PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/install/openjpeg-master/build
  • ./configure --enable-shared
  • sudo make
  • sudo make install
  • sudo make clean

4. Install GrokImageCompression

Follow the GrokImageCompression installation instructions

  • cd ~/install
  • rm master.zip
  • wget https://github.com/GrokImageCompression/grok/archive/master.zip
  • unzip master.zip
  • cd grok-master
  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  • make
  • sudo make install
  • sudo make clean

5. Test your installation

  • mkdir ~/images
  • cd ~/images
  • wget https://github.com/harvard-library-imaging-services/images/raw/master/in.tif

Run the following commands:

Testing ImageMagick installation

  • convert in.tif out_via_imagemagick.jp2 | exiftool out_via_imagemagick.jp2 | less

Testing OpenJPEG installation (lossy compression example)

  • opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42

Testing GrokImageCompression installation (lossy compression example)

  • grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42

Are the JP2 files you created standard-compliant?

  • jpylyzer *.jp2 | grep '<isValid format="jp2">True</isValid>'

Encoding JP2 files

  • Command: opj_compress and grk_compress
  • Switches:
    • -i <inputFile.ext>
    • -p RLCP (progression order)
    • -t 1024,1024 (tile size)
    • -EPH (End of Packet Header marker)
    • -SOP (Start of Packet)
    • -ImgDir <image dir> (cannot be used with -i switch)
    • -OutFor <ext> (extension for output files)
    • -o <outputFile.ext>
    • -I (specifies lossy encoding)
    • -q <quality in dB>,<quality in dB>,...
    • -r <compression ratio>,<compression ratio>,...

Lossless example

opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossless.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2

grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossless.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2

Lossy example

  • opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42
  • opj_compress -i in.tif -o out_lossy_r10.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -r 10

  • grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossy_42db.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -I -q 42
  • grk_compress -i in.tif -o grk_out_lossy_r10.jp2 -p RLCP -t 1024,1024 -EPH -SOP -OutFor jp2 -r 10

Decompress: converting JP2 files to other formats

  • opj_decompress -i infile.j2k -o outfile.png
  • opj_decompress -ImgDir images/ -OutFor tif

  • grk_decompress -i infile.j2k -o outfile.png
  • grk_decompress -ImgDir images/ -OutFor tif


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